Mushrooms Stories and Field Recordings
I don’t identify as human, not only but also because of the man in the word, the mankind, I am not feeling connected to.
I don’t identify as human not only, but also because a woman seems to be narrated here as a derivative of the man, also in the human.
I don’t identify as human, even if the oldest root of the word connects it broadly to bodies of the earth, earthlings.
I don’t identify as human, as this is one of the most exclusive categories of Western civilization to which since its invention not a lot of bodies seemed to belong. Women, slaves, and strangers were not factored into being human over long periods. They were excluded by law, by convention, by practices.
I don’t identify as human because it is this notion which at large has been used to legitimate the subordination of what since European enlightenment is referred to as nature under the will of the human.
I don’t identify as human, as this term is used to mark an imaginary demarkation line between human bodies and other earth bodies.
I don’t identify as human, because the focus on human bodies has helped to neglect other than human bodies as a general public.
Leaving the human behind we can enter a space of connection between all kinds of bodies as the earth. We can identify as earthlings, entangled, and planetary people we can meet.
With this headline, I am inviting you to Soundwalks which will be published occasionally here.