In German, the Latin word RADIX is used for root and also for an astrological chart. In a chart, the dance of our planets and our sun is plotted in a circular image with the Earth as its center. In the series RADIX, apparatus draws these energies back down to the stones, which in turn are connected to the planets and colors, which are connected to the planetary constellations of the sky. Entangled and co-performing in our mushroom costumes, we seek to work with these ancient constellations, that are still active and formative for reality on earth.
apparatus tries new narratives, the elastic material behavior of earth, of which we are a part, against the artificial separation of nature and culture. RADIX approaches this field with mushrooms, paints, and stones, literally interpreting them as an image on and with the earth.
A constellation is a snapshot and moves on. Always. We are still connected to older stories that began at the crossroads of bodies meeting in motion. Apparatus is changing the present and the past in our interpretations of RADIX.
ongoing since 2021
RADIX #1 @Oder
RADIX #3 Bad Freienwalde 12/2022