Portal to the dreamspace @Burg Hülshoff
Verbarium is a collection of words or a game with letters. The project combined both in a threefold way. As a collection of ways of speaking of and with planetary persons, re-membering those who were objectified or not mentioned for a longer time. The ongoing collection of Verbarium was launched upon invitation of Burg Hülshoff in summer 2023. You are invited to share your ways of speaking and listen to a sound walk created on the occasion of the Droste Festival here.
The dream location @Droste Festival 2023
At the Droste Festival of Centre for Literature in Münster June 2023 Stefanie Wenner collaborated with Planeta Kuz on a Ritual inviting into a dream incubation to trip into conversations with plants and other planetary persons in the beautiful orchard of Annette von Droste zu Hülshoff.